Tips for Selecting a Drinking Water System

- Have your water professionally tested or request your city’s annual Consumer Confidence Report to determine what’s in your water.
- Search for a product that addresses your specific water concerns.
- Remember, the cheapest product is not always the best buy. Inexpensive products may not effectively address your needs.
- Pay attention to ratings from independent organizations like NSF International and Underwriters Laboratories (UL).
- Select a system that is easy to use and maintain.
- Purchase a system with a good warranty.
- Buy from a reputable dealer. Ask for references.
- Follow the dealer’s advice and maintain equipment as recommended by the manufacturer.
- Replace your filter cartridge annually with the same manufacturer’s cartridge. Beware of counterfeit cartridges that claim to “fit”. You risk quality and performance, as well as certification protection.
- Once you identify a water treatment solution that addresses your needs, follow this checklist when shopping for a specific product:
- Will the system remove all the substances that are a concern to you?
- Have the system’s claims been tested and certified by an independent agency? *
- Is the system easy to install and service?
- Is the system designed with quick-change filter cartridges that are easily replaced without touching the surfaces that come in contact with the water?
- What is the system’s micron rating?
- What is the system’s rate of water flow through the filter?
- Does the system have a flow restrictor to regulate water flow assuring adequate contact time with the carbon or other treatment media? The longer the contact time, the better the filtration.
- Does the system have enough capacity to satisfy the needs of your household without frequent cartridge changes?
- Are you comfortable with the product’s dealer and their service?
* UL and NSF International are nonprofit, third party groups. Their rigid testing certifies many types of products for aesthetic and health claims, and provides a scale to determine which products are the best. It also ensures products are made with integrity, and have accurate and honest performance claims.